Turkey Barbecue


2 to 3 lb. turkey fillets
2 green peppers
1 teaspoon. celery salt
dash of pepper
2 teaspoon. chopped onion
18 ounce thick barbecue sauce


Prepare turkey fillets with dash of pepper across tops. Bake in 350 degree oven for 1 hour covered. Uncover for desired darker color. Prepare chopped green peppers, onions. Mix barbecue sauce, celery salt, (thin with water if needed) in 5 quart slow cooker/Crock Pot, set on high. Add green peppers and onions. Allow to heat while turkey is baking. Chop turkey (as desired in small to medium chunks) and add to slow cooker/Crock Pot. Simmer for 2 to 3 hours, or turn to low and cook for 4 to 6 hours. Serve on fresh rolls.